Sunday, February 23, 2014

Pre Season

I usually find myself so busy with work and school, that I really never have a preseason. In other words, any training for events occurs in-season or not at all. There is no focus on nutrition, I am just trying to find time to have three meals a day on a Ramen noodle budget. There are no training logs or calculations of my VO2, just chi-square tests for a school paper or a grading book to update. 

It is tough. I am a perfectionist, and I hate performing terribly. I want prefection and to improve my health, while being more competitive, but I can't ever seem to muster the time, energy, or money to do so. There are no protein shakes, fancy supplements, or organic food in my refrigerator. I am a great perfectionist, and a terrible planner.

However, I am going to try hard to have more of a preseason this year. To actually do some training before an actual event. I scraped together some cash and got my bike tuned up, replaced the bike pump was sisters stole, and put air in my tires. The big news, is that my bike is on the trainer, and I am going to try and actually use the trainer this year, instead of it being something collecting dust, that I trip over. No excuses, because it is free and available. 

While I will always be at the back of the pack in any race due to things I cannot control, there are some things I can better control. And that is the free stuff....getting outside and running, using the workout room at work, and riding my bike. Even if it is doing it alone. 

I am hoping to make a habit out of a habit I should have had long ago...committing myself to having a solid preseason. 

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