Saturday, March 1, 2014

Fitbit....and More!

Well folks, I purchased a Fitbit, and it came in the mail in less than a week (and with free shipping). While the price tag is reasonable, it definitely is a purchase I can't quite afford. However...I need the motivation (and I used my tax refund). And so far, I am really glad I took this splurge and bought it. Not only am I obsessed with constantly checking the pretty graphs (science nerd), but it gives me the right amount of motivation without being too cheesy.

I have also been hitting the workout room at work, and have found a few other co-workers who are also interested in getting back into shape. While my work "girlfriend" has been a great confidant these past few months, our ideas of working out definitely differ. She puts on lipstick before climbing on the treadmill and spends most of the workout texting/talking on the phone. While she has the ability to do so (probably a size 2 after having three kids), it is the last thing I need to be doing when I work out. I am the kind of gym person who is content in my oversized shirt, capri leggings, and headphones in my ear. I sweat, I grunt, and the last thing I want to do is text or talk. But having someone who is willing to workout with me is something I need. And most importantly, she isn't judging me. Plus, she has the same idea as hard (me probably harder than her), and then head to Larry's for a drink.

But I also enjoy the "quiet" workouts. When I dropped to 180lbs almost seven years ago, I was heading to my work's workout room at night, when it was just me and the night janitors. I could get in a good solid 2 hour workout, and no one bothered me. I got lucky, and Friday after work, found myself the only person in the workout room. I forgot about the freedom that comes with sweating on a weight machine, with no one talking in your ear besides your own conscience.

However, I need the motivation of a second person. I always want to seek out my more active and fit friends, but I am always fearful that my size and slowness hinders their own workouts. To put it point blank, I feel guilty. But then again, I need the push. I need to find someone, who like me, is okay with grunting on the treadmill side-by-side without talking.

And there is the pool....I haven't been in one in over three years. I miss it. I feel the itch to be in the water, and I am not sure how to get there. I need to be in a pool, but I need to find one that is affordable. I always felt more comfortable in the water. While I was always one of the slowest, I never got tired of swimming lap after lap. That was evident in the Munroe Falls triathlon last summer. I went into a swim, with no training and without actually having swam in two years, and I not only loved it, but it felt good. I felt like I could have kept going. I would have preferred it to the bike...or the run.

My hope is that with the purchase of the Fitbit and my semi-return to the Paleo Diet (on a Ramen noodle budget), I can begin a consistent pattern of an active lifestyle.

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